Why Should a Restaurant Attend a Foodshow?

  • By Driscoll Foods
  • 17 Sep, 2018

Foodshows are the single best opportunity to grow sales, learn about the newest cutting edge culinary and industry trends as well as getting great deals on key menu components. Below are some other great reasons why operators should attend foodshows.


Get the chance to ask detailed questions- Foodshows are a great opportunity to have face to face communication with vendor representatives and experts. Looking to add a premium special blend burger to your menu, but you’re not quite sure what blend specifically would fit your menu’s price points? Well hop on over to the burger supplier’s booth and have a one on one conversation with the experts. The vendor and broker reps at these shows are not just there to hand out samples and ask “Who is your rep?” they are looking to deliver advice and solutions to questions that operators face every day.


Expand your network & resources- Following up from above, these vendor and broker experts are great resources beyond foodshows. The relationships developed from these foodshows lay the groundwork for opportunities to reach out in the future. But it’s not only vendor reps and brokers, utilize the specialists from the distributors. The produce, seafood and cut-shop experts are great resources as well. You don’t need to be an expert in every culinary facet, but it sure is nice to be able to reach out and call one!


Learn about new trends- Were you ahead of the Kale and Sriracha trend that has all but faded away now? What is the next trend? More importantly, what is coming 6 months from now? Foodshows are a great avenue to learn about new trends and what manufactures see as “the next big thing”. Don’t be afraid to ask questions of the vendors as to how you can integrate flavors and ingredients that are coming “on trend”. You may even realize that you are on the verge of creating an entirely different trend yourself that has yet to appear on the market.


Brainstorm and network with fellow restaurateurs- The aisles of foodshows are packed with operators from just about every segment of foodservice. Some are long-time friends and some are even cross town rivals. But operators are all there for the same reasons. Look at the name badges of those you rub elbows with in the aisles. Discuss what you have seen or if there is anything you thought was worth a second look. Operators are all in the same battle, whether it’s finding good help, trying to keep menu costs down or struggling with new regulations. It’s great to have a network of your peers to able to reach out to when needed.


Taste food!- Let’s be honest, foodshows can be exhausting, not just for our feet, but also for our stomachs! But what other venue than a foodshow could you try the most heavenly delicious imported chocolate at one booth and then a beer battered thick cut onion ring at the next! Pace yourself, and drink plenty of water!


The Driscoll Foods Culinary Excellence Expo is coming to the Saratoga Springs City Center in Saratoga Springs, New York on Tuesday May 14th, 2019. For more information and to register, please visit www.driscollfoods.com/register


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